Setelah sekian lama ga ngecek website para developer binary su, aplikasi Superuser, serta busybox, akhirnya saya melakukan update untuk ketiganya. Sebenarnya tidak di update juga ga apa-apa tapi demi kepuasan batin (halah) pada akhirnya saya melakukan update deh.. Berikut ini link untuk mendapatkan update nya.
md5: d78ec986923b72dfdaa71d1db731a8f3
(su v3.1.1)
md5: b3c89f46f014c9df7d23b94d37386b8a
(Superuser v3.1.3)
List busybox Binary terbaru
busybox (built by linusyang)
Perbedaan dengan busybox original adalah penambahan beberapa applet seperti http server, port scanner, dsb. Saya sendiri menggunakan busybox ini.
Versi Installer
Saya menyediakan paket installer sehingga untuk proses upgrade rootkit di atas bisa dilakukan dengan cara yang lebih mudah. Berikut ini cara instalasinya:
- Download file dari PC dan copy ke SD card…
- Matikan handphone
- Nyalakan handphone ke recovery mode (cara masuk recovery mode, tergantung jenis handphone, kalau saya: tekan tombol home dan tombol power secara bersamaan)
- Di recovery mode, touchscreen gak akan berfungsi. Jadi untuk pilihan atas-bawah gunakan tombol volume. Untuk tombol memilih gunakan tombol home (tombol tengah -tombol kotak-).
- Browse SD card dan select file ditempat anda menyimpannya
- Pilih tersebut..
- Tunggu sampai ada konfirmasi di screen
- Pilih “reboot in normal mode” untuk restart handphone lagi
- Selamat aplikasi rootkit sudah terupdate di handphone anda.
Silahkan download installer disini:
md5sum: a442515f27fc1120206209b8bd0f4c48
kang tau cara root zyrex za966 g.dah berbagai aplikasi di coba tpi blum jebol jg nie system ny..kyk ny lbih gmpang jbol gayoung gt5360.mohon bantuanny kang.
Please, tell in English ” how to root using this Rootkit”
After a long time checking the website of the developer ga su binary, Superuser application, as well as busybox, finally I did the update to all three. Actually, not in the update also ga nothing but the inner satisfaction (gak) in the end I did the update deh .. Here’s the link to get its updates.
md5: d78ec986923b72dfdaa71d1db731a8f3
(su v3.1.1)
md5: b3c89f46f014c9df7d23b94d37386b8a
(Superuser v3.1.3)
List busybox latest Binary
busybox (built by linusyang)
The difference with the original busybox is the addition of a few applets such as http server, port scanners, etc. I myself use this busybox.
Version Installer
I provide the installer package so as to upgrade the rootkit in the above can be done in an easier way. Here’s how to install:
Download file of PC and copy to SD card …
Turn off the phone
Turn the phone into recovery mode (how to enter recovery mode, depending on the type of phone, if I: press the home button and the power button simultaneously)
In the recovery mode, the touchscreen will not function. So for the selection of top-down use the volume keys. To select buttons using the home button (middle key-key-box).
Browse the SD card and select the file you saved it in place
Select the ..
Wait until there is confirmation on the screen
Select “reboot in normal mode” to restart the phone again
Congratulations rootkit application has been updated on your mobile phone.
Please download the installer here:
md5sum: a442515f27fc1120206209b8bd0f4c48